Tuesday 29 July 2008


Reproduced with massive compliments to "Peanuts" creator, Schulz.

Bleurgh! Feeling like the great crabby unwashed (probably because I am), am crabby sleepless, with crabby, ill children clinging to every crabby old limb, crabby jobs piling up, crabby accounts piling up...Bleurgh! That word sums it up for crabby ol'me...


Suburbia said...

That's dreadful, in the school holidays too. Hope you are all feeling better soon.

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Hi Suburbia. Thanks for that...my daughter has a tendency not to sleep in the school hols...that coupled with illness is taking its toll. Hopefully I will be able to post something a bit more inspiring for me and everyone else!

Gill - That British Woman said...

that's me as well, though it's because I am sick!!!

Gill from Canada

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Sounds like you need a rollicking good time my dear. Six pints of Tetleys and a chicken madras followed by dancing and drinking at The Leadmill till 3am should do the trick. Then you won't be saying Bleurgh you'll be saying Baaaarf instead as you artex the pavement.

Lindsay said...

am very crabby - lightning has killed off broadband in our village - using friends pc - so will reply when back online

Sandi McBride said...

Let a smile be your umbrella, then whack the person sitting next to you grinning like a mule eating briars...that's crabby!

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Hi Gill Hope you're getting better, as you read this, well, fingers crossed anyway xx

Hello YP. That's one way of looking at it. I suppose "Yorkshire" translated into Geordie...it would involve the Bigg Market and Newcastle Brown Ale. (Did you know me in a former life?)
Sorry to hear that Lindsay. Hope to hear from you when it's fixed.
Hi Sandi, the only donkey I know about is "Don Quijote" ho,ho,ho!
But you've all cheered me up though!

Lindsay said...

Hope you are feeling less crabby now - as you can gather our village is back on line. Our post office lady was in tears because some people were intolerant to the fact they could not get cash and other post office services. I am now less crabby because I can communicate again with my cyber friends!

dulwichmum said...

Hi there Hadriana,

Thank you for your link. Why have we not met before, we have so many friends in common. We both adore Rilly.


Hadriana's Treasures said...

Hello Dulwichmum, Very pleased you have dropped by to say hello. Yes...we do both adore Rilly/Strife in the North (I write the whole lot out so I can preach to the non converted)...I'm only hoping that her disappearance of late is down to her writing her blog to book! Will pop over to yours now...your name came up in conversation today. Your ears must be burning! (in a good way...)