Feeling bad about the blogging hiatus. Have plenty to tell you all about but one child has had to have a minor (planned) operation. Nothing too bad and all went well. I'm not a great fan of hospitals so paralysis of the typing fingers took hold. Normal transmission will be resumed shortly....In the meantime I would like to award (as I was kindly honoured by Sandi McBride) "Sharing the Love" to Tartetartan and Ladythinker and Rosiero who have had a bit of a hard time of it lately. They all write very well despite their respective ups and downs...they definitely fit the criterion of being a " Hadriana Treasure".
Sorry about hospital visits - hope all is well. I think all of us are rather grumpy with this awful weather.
Yes...the weather is foul, Lindsay, completely agree with you there. Thank you...yes...little one had an eye operation (to cosmetically put right a slight squint). She's sore but handled it really well. Much better than I would! She's a brave little soldier...
dont worry we'll all be here when you get abck on topof it..or not!
Hope alls well with your little one!!
yes t...but we always live in hope it will be dry tomorrow,the weather is foul...as per usual for this time of year.... and l have a sheet load of washing to do as we are back form road trip...
take care... xxx
I do hope the wee one is all recovered and home again and that your fingers will be zipping along and sharing life with us again soon
Thank you FFF and Sandi...appreciate your kind comments. I could have blogged this evening as I thought the other half was going to use the computer. Ah well. Will have to be another time. Ta ta for now!
Take no notice of the time posts as this computer seems to be running on (borrowed ha!) Alaskan time. Almost reflects the weather here.
Thank you so much - It means a lot. Will pop the award on my site when I figure out how. Hope your wee one is OK!!. TTx
Thank you so much for your kind comments and for the award which I gladly accept.
Dear Tartetartan, Glad you like the award. How to copy it?...I think it goes like this: click on the picture of the award on my site and then right click. Choose "save picture as..." save it to wherever you want it on your computer and then you can post it in an elements box on the side or just bring into a new posting". Alternatively you don't have to do anything with it...if that takes your fancy...I leave it entirely up to you! (Just keep writing I enjoy following your exploits in tartetartan land!) Hx
Hello again Rosiero...sorry I can't help giving you awards because I'm in awe of your refreshing attitude to life. Hope Kay's enjoyed her adventures in Guatemala! Hx
I'm sorry that i hadn't left a comment of thanks for the award - very remiss of me I was so sure i had - it must be an example of a 'senior moment' - I've just posted it today.
Hello Ladythinker...happy that you got the award OK. I think we both agree that "Rilly Super" is Super!!
(I just wish she would come back though...)
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