Monday 18 August 2008

Why do I blog?

I've taken my cue from Potty Mummy. She wrote a post the other day on "Why do I blog?" I've thought about it and to be honest I'm really not sure. I didn't know whether anyone would read this blog. I'm gratified that anyone does. I'm not just saying that to be humble I'm saying that to be truthful!
I wasn't sure whether anybody would be interested in me ruminating on dry and dusty Roman thingies. (Personally I think they are full of history and life, however, I appreciate that it is not everyone's cup of tea.) I've certainly had my ups and downs with Latin. I love language, be it English, Geordie, Spanish, Italian or whatever....(I have to admit that I have got a modern language degree in Spanish and Italian).
I'm still in touch with my Latin teacher. She's wonderful and a friend of the family. She truly did inspire in me a love of the language. (I still remember her first lesson when I was in second year Seniors...aqua (water) used in aquafresh (toothpaste) and so on.) We still joke how I used to fall asleep in her lessons (at A-level). I ended up being the only student for that final year. She used to fortify me with cups of coffee and KitKats (and toothpicks to keep my eyes open...only joking!). What used to kill me off was that we were studying Tacitus' Agricola which was all about the Roman invasion of Britain. And yes! it did seem as dry as dust. Tacitus, I mean, not my Latin teacher. I adored all other types of Latin literature...especially Catullus with his beautiful and (sometimes) naughty Latin poems. They'd cheer anyone's day up for sure....And I'm currently working through Lindsey Davis's books about Falco the Roman detective. She has a fantastic knack of making the Romans seem lively.
Anyway I'm rambling. Back to "Why do I blog?" I enjoy writing and it seems to be my lifeline to the outside world. I certainly get satisfaction from any feedback from you bloggers out there. So thanks very much for that!
I'll try not to bore you to death about the Roman stuff. If I have one regret in life it's that I should have come to see the Roman Wall (Hadrian's) sooner...I can only look on these Roman rocks and wonder...


Lindsay said...

I have often asked the same question of myself. Came to the conclusion that I just like blogging and I printing out to keep just like a diary. Might be amusing to family later on!

Expat mum said...

Oh god, I am now having flashbacks to years and years of Latin. Amo, amas, amat and all that. I was sensible enough not to take it to the dizzy heights of A level however.
I do have a thing about all things Roman too. This summer at Housesteads we saw a great demonstration of the soldiers and all their fighting equipment.

Suburbia said...

It is the lifeline to the outside world for me too. I spend too much time on my own and crave company, blogging fills a gap. Sad little Billy No Mates really!!!

Carah Boden said...

Cor Blimey, don't think I could have handled Latin A level. Very impressed. Did O level and that was enough, but then my teacher was half dead himself. For some curious reason which I still find unfathomable, I was awarded the Latin prize one year at school. I guess they felt sorry for me and had to give me something. I only did it because I was doing French and German and was told it would help - in fact I only ever use it to remember how to spell 'prejudice'! Went on to do French and Spanish at university and learnt Italian by living in Italy so the Romans came back into things a bit then in a more live form...

Why do I blog? Good question. Scratches a creative itch I suppose and means I can have a good old chin wag (with anyone prepared to listen!) at the same time.

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Hi "Her on the Hill". I first learnt Italian when I went out to Italy to stay with a family there (when I was 13/14). My Dad was staying in a town a few hours away. Thought I'd sort of join him. I was fed up with school!
(Time to escape the nuns...ta ra!!)

Where did you go in Spain? I love that country SO much. It's where my heart is (after Hadrian's Wall)! I've been all over the place and know Zaragoza, Madrid and Malaga pretty well.