Thursday 2 October 2008

The day dawns

The day dawns. The air is bright with anticipation. Including mine. The dew is still soaked into the grass. The night has had a chill. I open the windows and see the condensation escape before my very eyes. It is the day before I go to London without kiddywinks, without The Diver, without the "Ed" the wonderful, laid back dog. I will not know myself. It will feel bizarre. It will be a whole weekend as a fully grown up adult once again, footloose and fancy free. This has not happened since my tummy had a No.1 bump in it!

Will I be able to cope? Thoughts of navigating the Big Smoke, on my tod, drift through my mind. I suspect it will feel delightful and lonely. Two sides of a coin. Conjuring up memories bad and good.


Can Bass 1 said...

Set your mind on enjoying it, Hadriana. I always love my trips to London - and I'm always glad to get back home! (What a truly delightful name, by the way.)

Lindsay said...

Have a good day out.

Dumdad said...

Bon voyage! I love London despite its dodgy transport system. I especially love the Routemaster double decker buses. Have fun.

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Thank you for the compliment, Can bass 1, I will do my very best. I think I will enjoy it (guiltily). (Like your ten blogging commandments BTW.)

Thank you, Lindsay, I'll give it my best shot!

Merci bien dumdad. Not sure the Routemasters are still there which is tragic. I used to jump on and off the No.13 Routemaster bus down Finchley Road with amazing dexterity and alacrity. Happy days!

Potty Mummy said...

HT, have a fabulous time. Was hoping to join you in your Saturday afternoon get-together but family requirements say otherwise, so instead, by 'tinternet, enjoy!

Gill - That British Woman said...

enjoy your trip, it'll be like riding a bike, it will all come back to you.

Gill in Canada

Rinkly Rimes said...

As usual, I'm getting my exiled-Pom fix by blogging. I love the Englishness of it all. I can enjoy it without 24 hours on a plane!

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Dear PM, Gosh that IS a surprise! Didn't know that you were going to come. What a shame I would have loved to have met you! Hopefully another time....

Thank you, Gill, yes it will, I'm sure. Can't feel too guilty as hubbie does go away on business from time to time. (I'm also meeting up with two lots of college friends and my sister. Can't wait!)

Hello Rinkly Rimes. Nice to meet you. If you talk about Poms and a 24 hour trip I suspect you are from Down Under. Will bowl one down your leg side (so to speak) very soon...

Expat mum said...

Say "hi" and don't so anything I wouldn't do! (Yes, yes, very funny.)

ADDY said...

Belatedly read your post - you are probably here now. Are you staying alone in a hotel or with friends? Hope you have a great time, whatever you do!!

Mom/Mum said...

Enjoy every l a s t second of the freedom my dear!

Georgina said...

You'll have a ball I'm sure. I look forward to hearing how you got on. Debs x

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Hadriana Gets Lost in London. Been nice blogging with ya! Approximately 340 British subjects go missing without trace each year and most of them had been on shopping or business trips in the capital!

Suburbia said...

I hope you have a brilliant time! Funny how we want to have grown up time, but when it comes, it feels unreal :)

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Dear all, Thank you for your comments. Will tell you all about it very soon! It was very enjoyable to say the least. Hubbie and I wrestle each other for the computer these days. Must get my laptop set up with Wifi and my own that would be bliss! Hx

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Funny you should mention that, YP, hubbie and I dreamt up a story where I "go missing"...lose my memory and start blogging and you, the bloggers, solve the mystery by identifying my skewed (screwed !)writing style (?!) I was just a tad concerned that it might happen in real life given that I couldn't even figure out the ticketing system re: overground/ about getting my London skills getting rusty....

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Already losing memory and ability to write...two "getting" s. I do get cross with myself! (Senility is upon me. Aargh!)

Sandi McBride said...

I envy you...good'll do fine!

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Thanks Sandi!