Saturday 27 March 2010

Awards Time!

I owe many, many thanks to the superduper, Fly in the Web, who has been very munificent in her awards to me lately. I feel that I am not deserving of them because I can be a very spasmodic blogger at times. I would like to award her my special cricket award "A Knockout Read!" as I know she shares my love of cricket. She has been a "brick" and I commend her "French Leave" blog to you. Strawberry Jam Anne, a regular blogger, has also been very kind and awarded me the Sunshine award too. I would also like to award her my own cricket award. Thank you both.

I've gone a bit quiet of late because I've been on various courses about Hadrian's Wall...a trip to the Mithraeum at Brocolitia and to Chesters. This was on a day when we got blown to bits and drenched alternatively but it was well worth it. I aim to blog about these when the Easter holidays are over. My former guiding tutor, Jan Williams, talked about the "smurf" hats of the torch bearers at the Mithras Temple amongst other things. Georgina Plowright, English Heritage, showed us all sorts of delightful things in the museum at Chesters and at the fort and bath house.

I'm also desperately trying to brush up my notes for my guiding tour at Vindolanda. I'm a bit nervous about that as it coincided with me falling quite ill last Summer. I'm happy to say that I'm completely back to normal now but it's like falling off a horse and trying to get back on it again. So fingers crossed. I've been over to Vindolanda and to The Roman Army Museum (where there is a lovely new gallery display about Hadrian and his life). So watch this space!

Back to the awards. I've been very remiss in this department and I think there are some super bloggers out there. I'd like to pass on the "Sunshine" and "Circle of Friends" award to these bloggers who've stuck by me through thick and thin:

1. French Fancy
2. Dumdad at The Other Side of Paris
3. Nota Bene
4. The Dotterel at Bringing up Charlie
5. Troy
6. Ladybird World Mother
7. Addy at Alcoholic Daze
8. Expatmum
9. Lindsay at Rural Villager
10. Maggie May
11. Suburbia
12. Catharine at Withenay Wanders
13. Completely Alienne
14. Sage
15. Views from the Bike Shed
16. Lynne at Bun Mountain Cottage
17. Saco-Harry who doesn't have a blog (to my knowledge) but he does run a marvellous diggers' website at Vindolanda: www.
18. Keep Bloggering On!

I would also like to pass on the "Share Your Flair" award to:

1. Mickle's Pickle
2. Sandi - Holding Patterns
3. Grumpy Old Ken
4. Yorkshire Pudding
5. Gill - That British Woman
6. Crystal Jigsaw
7. A Woman of No Importance
8. Jo Beaufoix
9. Dulwich Divorcee
10. Life in Windermere
11. Clippy Mat
12. Ma Mite
13. Lakeviewer
14. Sarah at Work in Progress
15. Tarte Tartan
16. Kestrel at Jom, Colour Me
17. View from the High Peak
18. Diary of a Desperate Woman
19. Reluctant Memsahib
20. Lailani at The Green Grass Grows All Around

And..if I haven't included anyone who feels they ought to be included...then..I'm utterly, abjectly sorry...blame it on my Roman marbles which are a tad looser these days.........

Tara for now! :) Hadriana xx


the fly in the web said...

Howzat, then!

Thank you!

Clippy Mat said...

I am 'bowled over'.
thanks Pet.

Rosaria Williams said...

Thanks, Hadriana, for thinking of me! I see from your list, that we have some mutual friends in blogosphere.

Tim Atkinson said...

That's brightened up my Saturday. Thank you!

French Fancy... said...

thank you so much, Hade. I have been sadly remiss in putting my awards on my blog of late. I think this double prize from you had better prompt me to look back and collect the others and blog about them.

I've been very naughty in not doing this.

I love that photo of you

Troy said...

Gosh, it is some while since I got an award and now I get two in one go - thanks!

Dumdad said...

Oooo, two lovely awards! Merci beaucoup. I shall get ghastly Gaspard, my garlicky butler, to make special glass cabinets to house these awards. Then I'll thrash him to encourage les autres....

Sandi McBride said...

I'm thankful that you recovered your sense of humor after your illness...I'm coming up on the anniversary of my "near death" experience and so glad to be spending Easter at home instead of the hospital this year, lol...that was a bad two weeks!...thanks so much for the lovely award...and I'll be sure to pass it on...can't wait to see your future posts and the photos from "home"...

Maggie May said...

Many thanks...... that was really kind of you to think of me :-)
Congratulations on winning them in the first place.

Nuts in May

Gill - That British Woman said...

why thank you my love, that is so kind of me. I have been a terrible blogger of late, as I haven't been visiting anyone's blogs, life is crazy at the moment, with having not one but two columns being published online weekly.......

I hope you have a nice sunny and dry season to do your tours........

Gill in Canada

The Accidental Author said...

Hey Hadriana, thanks for the award. You're too, too kind. I haven't had time to do much reading as I'm trying to make serious headway with my book but I did think of you when I saw a piece about the illuminating of the wall on the TV, so I'm with you in mind if not in 'blog-body'. I shall also have a look at some of the other winning blogs.

Anonymous said...

Two awards! Thank you very much Hadriana, that is most kind of you. I shall have to work out how to put them on my side bar thingy now.

Lindsay said...

Hadriana - thanks very much. Glad you are feeling more chirpy.

Suburbia said...

Thank you:)

A Woman Of No Importance said...

You are called Treasure for a reason, my treash...

Merci mille, I am blushing with your love and generosity xox

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Thank you so much Hadriana - again I feel honoured to be in such fine company. Good luck with all your studying/brushing up etc. A x

Sarah said...

Aw, cheers, Hadriana, what a lovely sunday morning surprise! I've not tried to award folk before; it's a lovely token of appreciation.
Best wishes

The bike shed said...

Thank you Hadriana. Much appreciated, like our blog!

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Number 4 in the Flair awards, I humbly accept the prize which is - I understand - a free weekend in your B&B. May I pencil in the August Bank Holiday weekend? Thank you and good night.

Expat mum said...

I was sure I posted a thanks but it would appear not. Anyway, thanks hinnie!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! I've never seen that award before.

CJ xx

Sage said...

Thanks Hadriana, I love them and nice seeing some familiar, and not so familiar faces :-) xx

Harry said...

Cheers for the shout-out! I'm so glad to read that you're hale & hearty again. (And sorry that our gale-force storms made it across the Atlantic to you!)

'Tis true, no blog yet. Though strolling the nearby beach and collecting marine debris has me noodling an idea for a "What just washed up?" blog. Uh-oh, my green is showing.

Always look forward to reading your posts and living the Wall Country vicariously.

Carah Boden said...

Good grief woman, you put me to shame with your diligence and munificence! But thank you so very much :). Have a great Easter. x

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Well done everybody!
Thank you for your comments - it has been lovely reading them all.

What have I been doing lately?

Showing some friends around Vindolanda and testing out my tour on them. I've got my allocated times there for next week so I'm really looking forward to that...

Nota Bene said...

hello Hadriana...thank you most kindly...I love to get awards.....and one from the frozen North as I think it is today, is much appreciated!

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Yep, NB, it has been a tad cool lately...but we have had sunshine (bits of it) these last few days!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. Haven't been writing much of late, so feel a little guilty about accepting it. With all my teaching and man hunting (the latter being a full time job at the mo), my blog has kind of been put to one side. Look forward to catching up with yours though. TTx