Wednesday 9 February 2011


This gorgeous poppy photo was taken by Sandra Myers who is an active Hadrian's Wall Country and North Pennines' photographer. (Huge apologies to her for the initial wrong credit. I urge you to look at her wonderful photos at this website: here)

Just wanted to say "Salve!" "Hello!"

If you wondered what I was up to... I'm busy, busy, busy (to the power of twenty) getting my Latin Minimus and Cambridge Latin Courses started up. Hopefully they will be in existence in the very near future. That's why I've gone a bit quiet on the blogging front.

I have surges of energy. Then sometimes I have doubts that what I am doing will work at all. Lately though I have a resilience and a belief that it will all work out.
Have a look at this Jamie Bell blog for more details of the new "Eagle" film coming out based on Rosemary Sutcliff's famous book "The Eagle of the Ninth"....on March 18th. It's worth switching off the music (instructions on the blog) to hear the film clips OK. Browse through the blog's archive for further clips and info about the new film. Looks very impressive doesn't it?

The remodelled and new look Vindolanda and The Roman Army Museum with its brand new 3D Eagle Eye film will be opening afresh on March 12th in a few weeks' time. More news of that to come...

Vale! Bye for now!

Hadriana xx xx


the fly in the web said...

I remember reading the Sutcliff book as a sent me to the reference library to look up the history of the IXth...which led me to Tacitus...which in turn...

Nota Bene said...

Thanks for keeping us up to speed...I love the picture, who ever took it!

Suburbia said...

Gosh you sound busy!

Expat mum said...

Dying for that film to come out!

The bike shed said...

Good you are back.

I am hoping to come to Northumberland this year; I keep saying I will, but this year - definitely

Maggie May said...

You are lucky to have so much energy. It is good to be busy.
Wish I could say that I have tons of energy too.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

You must be busy, being a mum as well as doing courses. Hope you are enjoying it all. A x

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Hello everyone,

I think I ought to rename my blog: "SORRY!"...things are getting mega busy so know why I am saying sorry. If life ever does slow down I shall pop over.

Many, many thanks for leaving all your wonderful words of encouragement. Believe me...every single word counts....

Hugs and waves! Hadriana :)

Caroline Gill said...

Thank you so much for leaving the comment. Yes, Classical Studies at Newcastle was brilliant (& I met my archaeologist husband in the first week!).

We rarely get up to the NE these days (we are in South Wales). Wonder if you have been to Dolaucothi Roman Gold Mines and sites in our neck of the woods?

My Land&Lit blog plods away as a postcard every so often from here or there. I do more blogging on 'Wild and Wonderful' (wildlife) and on my poetry/writing 'Coastcard' blog. Will keep an eye open for your posts - I think you are on my feed.

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Hi Caroline,

Thank you for popping over. I'll try and keep an eye on your blogs. Thank you too for the link to your husband's blog "Looting Matters". I will browse that too. They all look fascinating.

I've not been to the gold mines but would love to go some time. I think that, in future, my world itinerary will encompass all things Roman.

Husband and I were just reminiscing about our separate travels to Portugal (in different lives). I'm sure the Romans must have popped up there too...

Dear everyone,

I'd just like to emphasize that the poppy photo credit is for the very talented Sandra Myers. If only my photos were anywhere near as good as hers.....