Friday 14 October 2011

Hello again! Mea culpa! My fault!

Sorry that I have not been blogging at all lately. Mea culpa! My fault!

I feel very guilty about neglecting my blogger friends. There are many reasons for not blogging. Not least that I have been on my travels....Bath, Circencester, Devon and Cornwall. Just now we've been to Naples, Pompeii, Herculaneum.

I'm also trying to get my business well and truly up and I've decided that if I cannot blog fully then I can at least try for a photo here per day and fingers crossed!


the fly in the web said...

Great to hear that all is well and that you're on top form.

Lady Mondegreen's Secret Garden said...

What fantastic reasons for not blogging. Lovely to have whatever you can manage. Life after all is for living!

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Thank you, Fly and Lady Mondegreen. I suppose that I cannot pretend any more...I cannot be a 'be there & everywhere' mum/person. Much as I would like to be. If I could telepathically post insightful and pertinent comments on your delightful blogs...I would! ;-) Hxx