Sunday 16 October 2011

Mariano's Friends

Mariano, the guide, is wearing the white hat talking to our group

Looking inside the tomb

Vesuvius glowers in distance

Street plan of Pompeii - click here It shows you how massive the place is.

We went in via Porta Marina (main entrance) and bought our tickets. We waited for an English speaking guide who was collecting a group of us together - his name was 'Mariano' and we became thus ' Mariano's Friends'.

The place was massively busy. The train from Naples was absolutely packed out. It turned out that there was supposed to be a public strike that day (against the cuts) but, thankfully, it did not affect us.

Mariano took us through Pompeii through Quadrant VII (if you look at the street plan), through the forum and up into Quadrant VI up to the Vesuvian Gate (where the tomb of the potential gladiator

Caius Vestorio Prisco) is located. (Apologies about the change of font and text size - I'm using my laptop in another location and it has gone bananas!) Please try and click on his name as you will get the accompanying pictures and explanations with the tomb. We had to stand on stone pedestals to get the photos up top. 

My battery power is fading on the laptop. Enjoy the photos. Be back soon! Hadriana :-)


Expat mum said...

OMG Hade - don't do that. It sounds too "dying"-like! (And my word verification os "peria" ......)

Hadriana's Treasures said...

That's funny, expatmum...hadn't quite anticipated that impression. Maybe I'll fall into the tomb alongside the gladiator! Never to be seen again!! ;-)

Maggie May said...

It looks so exciting. Love to see your photos.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Thanks Maggie! :-)