Monday 18 March 2013

Auf Wiedersehen Pets!

I had a terrific time at Hexham North Tourist Fair as Hands-on-Latin...seeing lots of people and chatting all day.

Just catching up now!

Also showed around a group of German journalists around Housesteads Roman Fort on Saturday morning on behalf of National Trust and English Heritage. Worth looking at the website as EH have done some new links and graphics relating to the fort. (Also lots on too!)

I got to practise the odd word or two of German...kein problem! (No problem!) Amazing what you remember....

What is interesting is that the 1st Cohort of Tungrians were stationed there for the whole lifetime of the  fort (approx. 300 years). They are Belgian/Germanic and were strengthened by the Frisians (again Germanic) who created their own 'Housesteadsware' - their own special bowls which reflected the strong, independent Frisian character. They even kept the Frisian names going. One bowl in particular is engraved with the name 'Neuto' - which is not found anywhere else except that area of Germany.

So definite German links there...

Still snowing here on and off. According to the weather forecast we are due for a lot more...but we are used to it. Kein problem! And for now.....Auf wiedersehen pets!

P.S.: If you can - try to listen to David Almond, a local author, on recent recording of Desert Island Discs - Radio 4. Well worth it!


the fly in the web said...

Well that was an interesting link from ancient to modern Friesians

ADDY said...

These Germans got around in the olden days didn't they?
Tschüss von mir auch!

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Many thanks Fly. Hope it is warmer where you are! Ojala que hiciera calor aqui! If only it was hot here! ;-)

They definitely did ADDY. Tschuss! Must learn how to do the umlaut. Hope you are well. Ciao for now! :-) (Grossen Umarmungen)