Thursday 28 November 2013

Hello there! Long Time No Blog!

Where have I been? What have I been doing? Why no blog for soooooo long?

Well...what happened was...we were incredibly busy getting the B&B up and running for this year. Then I was very involved in the background of Barbara Bell's splendid 'Minimus' talk at The Hexham Book Festival and gave a tour of Vindolanda later that day which all went splendidly well BTW.

I attended a Primary Project Latin Committee meeting down in Bristol shortly after...then just as I was flying back....I heard the news that my dearly beloved grandfather had died.

Yep. 90 odd years old...not been near a doctor for two years...hung up his boots and was gone in his sleep.

Still can hardly write about it now. Have wanted to blog about him and sing his achievements from the rooftops but cannot manage that quite yet.

Grief? I thought I knew what grief was until mid May 2013.

I have been tweeting away @hadrianasblog and @handsonlatin My Facebook Page handsonlatin has been active too if you fancy having a look.

I am slowly getting back into this blogging malarkey bit by bit. Hope you have all been well and I am truly intending to blog again properly soon.

I am feeling much more like my old self and raring to go for 2014!!!!

valete! Bye for now! Catherine/Hadriana xx xx


Nota Bene said...

Glad to have you back.

Sorry about your Grandfather, but 97 is a great innings...he must have had many tales to tell


ADDY said...

You've just come through on my blogfeed. Lovely to hear from you again, although sorry about your sad news. Let's hope 2014 is a better year for us all......

the fly in the web said...

I'm so sorry about your'll take a time to get some equilibrium after that, but when you do, tell us the stories he had to tell.

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Thanks NB. Indeed he did have many tales to tell. He got sent into Burma twice during WWII and lived to tell that tale.

Thanks Hadriana :-)

Hi ADDY, Yep - hope 2014 is a terrific year for us all! Many thanks for your comment. :-)

Thanks was pretty tough for first few months....was well and truly 'hit' by wall of grief. Things have eased somewhat and I am getting back to normal. He was such a wonderful bloke and I will blog about him...if not this year then certainly next year.

Thanks guys for passing by! Hadriana xxx

Hadriana's Treasures said...

PS - ADDY - will be practising my German soon...sure you will be proud of me!

PPS- Many thanks Fly for all your emails. As ever - much appreciated! C/H xx

Expat mum said...

Nice to see you back here.
So sorry about your grandfather. Wow - 97. You are so lucky to have had a grandpa for so long. Of course you miss him. When you're ready, would love to hear about some of his antics. x

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Many thanks Expatmum. Much, much appreciated. Hope you and yours are well! :-) Hxx