Tuesday 17 March 2015

Introduction to Roman Epigraphy - Course Dates at Great North Museum:Hancock with Lindsay Allason-Jones OBE

An Introduction to Roman Epigraphy 

Saturday May 30th & Saturday September 12th 2015
Great North Museum: Hancock

Hands-on-Latin is delighted that Roman expert
Lindsay Allason-Jones OBE,

will be introducing us to a wide variety of Roman Inscriptions
in the unique collection

at Newcastle’s Great North Museum: Hancock

10am Introduction to reading and understanding Roman epigraphy
(Gather in GNM small clore conference room ~ tea & coffee, biscuits, will be served)

11am Armstrong Building ~ A case study in building inscriptions 
(a fun exercise)

11.45am Looking at Building Inscriptions

12.45pm Lunch (Buffet lunch served at The Great North Museum)

1.15pm Looking at Funerary Inscriptions

2.15pm Tea & Coffee break

2.30pm Looking at Altars

3.15pm Religious Inscriptions (Roman Gallery)

3.45pm Conclusion (Inscripta)

4pm End of Introduction to Roman Epigraphy Day

 Books by Lindsay Allason-Jones OBE

2015 Ticket Prices 
£92 per place 
(includes buffet lunch, lots of tea, coffee and biscuits, 
materials, good company 
and plenty of knowledge)

Please contact Catherine Jarvis for further information and details:

website: www.Hands-on-Latin.com (my email address can be found on the website)

Twitter: @handsonlatin
Facebook: handsonlatin.com


Tel: 016977 47972
+ (44) 16977 47972

Mob: 07759 020885 + (44) 7759 020885

Or via my blog here...

Lindsay is super knowledgeable and great fun. Looking forward to those dates already.

Please do get in touch if you need any information whatsover!


ADDY said...

Bona fortuna!

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Many thanks ADDY - Hope you are well!
Will pop by your blog as soon as I can.
Hugs C/H xx

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Should be masses of fun on the two days - May 30th and September 12th. Looking forward to both of them!