Sunday 13 September 2015

Another Grand Day out at The Great North Museum with Lindsay Allason-Jones

I have blogged about the epigraphy/Roman inscriptions day that Hands-on-Latin ran on 30th May 2015 and here I am blogging about yesterday's epigraphy event (held at the same place). Both days were terrific fun. Here is some excellent feedback:

"Lindsay was excellent. Wonderful balance of showing us round and talk. Really enjoyed it and learned so much. Feel well equipped to attempt reading inscriptions." 

"This was a fantastic opportunity for myself and my students. An excellent and interesting day. Looking forward to applying new knowledge in the museum!"

"Good hosting and Lindsey was very engaging. Really felt like my knowledge of inscriptions improved over the day. The pack is also comprehensive and gives something good to take home."

"Well done indeed. Worth every penny!"

Photos relating to the course:

 Very sunny pictures of Newcastle University from the day before (the Armstrong Building) on Friday when Newcastle's weather was positively tropical...

 We began the day looking at the plaque to 'Her Majesty The Queen' showing when The Great North Museum was officially opened on Friday 6th November 2009.

These are not past customers !!!! (At the Small Clore Room - where the event was held in May and yesterday)
Lindsay showing us the Great North Museum plaque (relating to its official opening)
Looking at a plaque dedicated to the Hancock family located in the GNM atrium
In the torrential rain (yesterday)
Lindsay is valiantly pointing out an inscription in the gardens of GNM

A wonderfully life like sculpture of a rhino (Rhinoceros) in the GNM garden
We all look on (Lindsay is out of shot beside the rhino)

Lindsay in action complete with torch to look at another possible inscription
or is it? (We debated this.)
Lindsay showing us the library at the top of the GNM which is free for the public to use

The famous 'Roman Inscriptions of Britain'  (RIB) which is also now online

In the small clore room looking at the 'Regina et Barates' inscription (one of Lindsay's favourites)
RIB 1065

Lindsay in action in the Roman Gallery of the GNM

Lindsay with the altars found in Newcastle in the Tyne river (on the site of the Roman bridge in the north channel of the Tyne) dedicated to Oceanus (Sea Water God) RIB 1320 and Neptunus (River Water God) RIB 1319. They were found when the Swing Bridge was built in 1875.

Lindsay pointing out an inscription with the original red paint from Roman times which can be seen on the inscription

Tackling a tricky inscription to finish off the day consolidating our
new found knowledge on Roman inscriptions!

Many thanks once again to Lindsay Allason-Jones OBE who provided yet another fantastic day of
information, fun, anecdotes, stories...These all added to our fund of knowledge relating to the many varied characters, of all ages, who lived along the length of the Roman Wall and its vicinity.


the fly in the web said...

That sounds like a wonderfully exciting session...rain and rhinos notwithstanding.

Katharine A said...

I love discovering museums on other blogs. Thanks for introducing me to a new one for me. I'm adding it to my to-visit list. Katharine

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Many thanks Fly and Katharine,

Hope you are both well. Sorry it has taken me quite a while to reply.
Merry Christmas to you both!

Catherine/Hadriana xx xx