Friday 9 July 2010

"It's a wrap!"

...are words that I never expected (ever in my life!) to be directed at me!

I'm very much aware that my blog has taken on narcissistic qualities of late. That's's all about me, me me, me......BUT....I cannot help writing about my latest experience: my brush with fame and having a super, marvellous film crew from Endemol (that's right, French Fancy, the chappies who make "Big Brother", Mr.H. when he discovered this immediately started to take the michael out of me by putting on his best Geordie accent..."'Adriana's in the house et cetera!". I digress...)

Last week. The day before I was due to go to Arbeia (South Shields Roman Fort) to do my digging I got a 'phone call out of the blue from Kerry at Hadrian's Wall Heritage Ltd. asking me: Would I like to be part of some filming they were doing along the length of The Wall? Ever the one to jump into the deep end I instantly said "Yes!" despite having no knowledge of filming (or being filmed). Actually that's a slight lie as I did take part as an extra in a film being shot around the outskirts of Newcastle about a billion years ago. I can't even remember what the film was about but I just remember that the scene in which I was involved was about a party. A good friend of mine was going out with a sound engineer who worked on "The Tube" music programme that used to be filmed out of Newcastle...yes..that one with Jools Holland and Paula Yates...maybe it was something to do with that....hmm...

Anyway back to the here and now.

Michelle and Angela from Endemol came to see me when I was doing some digging at Arbeia and we had a brief chat in the snaking corridors of the Tyne and Wear Museum surrounded by towering cardboard boxes full of artefacts. They were getting to know me and I was getting to know them. The theme was to be that of Vindolanda as a secret garden. I was to reveal where the hidden, recondite, intimate and lesser known spots were in and around the fort.

A week later (this last Wednesday) the mini film crew arrived from Endemol: Gary, Alex and Liz. To say I was nervous about the whole thing was a vast understatement. I was petrified. I met them just as I had come back from walking our dog, Ed. They looked friendly enough. Not too threatening. Gulp!

I welcomed them into the B&B. Mr.H. soon provided us with tea, coffee and nice, juicy, thick, buttery toast. Alex (the dark haired one seen interviewing me in the photos) was the interviewer, Liz was the camera woman and Gary provided direction. In the photos above you can also see Michelle (she's wearing a grey jacket) who was running the whole thing. She popped in from time to time with her colleague, Angela. There were six groups of people in total being filmed doing different things in/around Hadrian's Wall Country.

The above photos show me being interviewed in Four Wynds' patio and garden: "What was my motivation for becoming a volunteer guide?" "How did we come to start the B&B?" and so on... From starting out on our sofa looking and feeling like a rabbit caught in the headlights my blood pressure slowly began to come down and my pulse moved from a gallop to a canter to a trot. Liz, Alex and Gary began to cast their magic. They also, later, filmed me pouring a cup of I had to master not pouring boiling hot water on my hand and to speak some sense at the same time....I just managed not to scald myself.

At lunch time we moved on to Greenhead (our nearest village). We interviewed a local long standing resident and Mr. Robert C. at his workshop, Rosemary and Katie at the wonderful Old Forge Tea Rooms who make divine teas and cakes, Dave over at The Greenhead Hotel (he and his wife run the pub, the B&B rooms and the Youth Hostel across the road). The sun was out in its full glory. Hurrah! We wandered into the churchyard to see the vicar but as he's retiring (bless him - he's lovely!) he was absent. He has a trillion leaving tea parties to attend this month.

We then went over to Vindolanda. I took them the long route round on the Military Road so that they could see Sycamore Gap (I think that was my head was in a whirl). We had lunch at Vindolanda's Lepidina Cafe in the baking sun. (It is a massive suntrap down in the valley by the Chineley Burn beside the Chesterholm Museum, the reconstructed Roman temple, shop, house, crofter's bothy and milestone. It was tempting to stay lounging there.)

We pressed on. We went to film up at the top of Barcombe Hill. I showed them the long stone set up to a quarryman who had lost his life, the Roman quarries with the good old phallic symbol carved into the rock face, and the sublime view of Vindolanda below us. (More Barcombe Hill photos to come in due course.)

Yesterday morning, with Gary, we filmed some bits at Vindolanda: outside before the museum opened...more intros (complete with an interested cow in the background), an interview with a lady getting off the AD122 bus, some segments in/around the fort (at the stone fort and at the timber gate posts of previous timber forts) plus the reconstructed bit of Hadrian's Wall within Vindolanda.

I could reveal more about these segments but I'm waiting to see what is in/what is out of the final edit. All the pieces from all the contributors will (hopefully) end up on Hadrian Wall Heritage's website. I await with bated (and unabated) breath. They say that looking at yourself on film is an excruciating process. Watch this space! (As they say....)

Nevertheless I am very pleased to say that I enjoyed every minute of it (despite all my expectations). So it's huge thank you from Hadriana to the guy and gals at Endemol who made the last couple of days so pleasurable. Thank you muchly! !  Gratias vobis ago!


the fly in the web said...

I am so impressed!
Not least by the fact that you managed not to scald yourself..had it been me it would have been like Trafagar Square with steam!

Expat mum said...

Phew! I read the post title and thought you were packing in the blogging.
Congrats on the movie stardom. Keep us posted.

Dumdad said...

Can I have your autograph please?

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Fly, I'm impressed that I didn't scald myself as well or crash the car or fall down Barcombe Hill...

Expatmum, Funnily enough Dulwich Mum rang my mobile by accident today (although I think she is unware of it)...Dash it! I thought she was ringing with an offer of stardom. (She said with tongue firmly in cheek!)

Dumdad: You do make me laugh! Of course...Kind Sir! It's in the post...

And I know I keep saying this...over and over like a mantra...I'll do my very best to get over to everyone's blogs this week. It's because I'm using another computer so I'm hoping I'll have a tad more time. Fingers crossed.

The bike shed said...

Can we expect to see it on you tube. Or at least a snippet n the blog.

Hadriana's Treasures said...


As far as I know the footage is destined to be shown on the main Hadrian's Wall website. I'll try and keep a tag on it. Hopefully I can get it linked from here to that website. I'd love to do the same for the B&B website as we did some stuff for that too. As I say...fingers crossed. It depends what comes out in the final edit!

Thanks very much for asking about it!

Mickle in NZ said...

How wonderful! And the weather deities blessed you with beautiful days. That is a pretty and determined rose (?) climbing up the wall to your right in the photos.

So pleased that life has taken such a positive turn for you and Mr H this year - this has most definately been earned, and is very much well due to you both. I hope the B&B season continues to do well,

sending care and huggles, with a big, happy-for-you smile on my face,

Michelle xxx

(sorry - only snores available from Zebbycat just now as we've a chilly night here)

Harry said...

Woot woot! Fame then fortune! This is exciting news! Can't wait to see the final product.

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Thanks, Harry, it was pretty exciting. I couldn't believe it was me (at one point) talking about the Vindolanda Tablets. It was a pinch yourself moment!!!

The Accidental Author said...

Yay! Hadriana, the media's darling. Well done. Being filmed can be very nerve-wracking. I was interviewed many years ago on behalf of one of my PR clients and accidentally said something so loaded with double entendre that it makes my toes curl even now... and they left it in! When will you be aired?

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Hi, PVLiF, is a nerve wracking/wrecking experience but somehow I survived it (not sure how)!

Again I'm not sure when it is due to come out but I'll keep you all posted (then again if it is rubbish you might have to serach for it ;)) that wicked of me?

What did you say that was loaded with double entendre...please let us know!

Hadriana's Treasures said...

serach for it? I think I meant search!

Nota Bene said...

An autograph for me too, please...sounds loads of fun

(and no I didn't make it to the aquarium :-( )

Hadriana's Treasures said...

You too, NB, make me laugh! But sad that you didn't get to the accident I saw some fantastic photos today in the Telegraph of a free diver with a shark. Unbelievable.

I have to say that although the storyline is rubbish I am captivated by The Big Blue film...glorious....

I don't have the talent to be a freediver but if anyone does have the talent it must be pretty amazing!

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Bafta? Oscar? Both?

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

How exciting Hadriana - so glad it went well and you calmed down enough to enjoy it all. Will we get the chance to see it do you think and will you let us know? A x

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Hello Ken and SJA! Sorry for the late reply but I've been holding the fort at my parents' abode whilst they've been away (my grandfather lives there with them). It's been a hectic last 10 days. We're into the last week at school now and I'm desperate for the term to end....the children have a better social life than me and Mr.H.!

SJA: As soon as I can lay my hands on the official links I will let you know where they are and how to find them! :)

Will be over to yours shortly. :)

Hadriana's Treasures said...

or...Mr. H. and I? (sounds terribly formal doesn't it?) ;)

Gill - That British Woman said...

oh I now know a celebrity, can I have your autograph,

Gill in Canada

Yorkshire Pudding said...

I thought Endemol was a prescription drug for constipation!
Well done on getting through the filming. Who knows, a TV executive might see your talent and get you agree to front "The Catherine Jarvis Show" in which rural figures from the Borders are interviewed about their lives. Viewing figures would be mountainous.

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Hello Gill and YP,

Again apologies for getting back to you late in the day. You both make me grin (perhaps rather insanely)...

Ooh. er. you are both too kind. My brain has stopped working (and not for the first time)!

New blog post promised soon. I keep composing stuff in my head as I walk the dog each day. The next part is transferring that to the small screen [pixellated] so to speak! H ;)