Wednesday 25 January 2012

New Year Rebooted & The Short Story Competition Regained

I start this off without any photo as I usually do. Computer running slowly so it proves to be a problem. Internet connection is wonky. IT people are called with wonderful help from @MrsShelk on Twitter.
Aha! It has worked. Not sure whom to credit apologies to the person who took this might be Sandra Myers again.

Anyway I need to reboot my New Year's Resolution of blogging and tweeting every day. I am also well behind on my Minimus Mouse tweets @Minimus_Latin so a huge guilt complex sets in. I'm not going to whinge...hopefully everything will be fixed shortly. Might be a bit kinder to myself once it is all running perfectly again and try to resolve to blog/tweet every few days or just when it is humanly and technically possible.

What I really wanted to talk about was..........The Daily Telegraph Short Story Competition. You can join the club and learn some writing tips or you can write your short story (max. 2000 words) and send it in to the Telegraph by the end of each month to

I am hugely pleased to say that I have discovered another fantastic author through reading about this...James Joyce and a story from 'The Dubliners'. Here's an example of one of his stories here . It looks as if the Telegraph can't reproduce online his story which totally and utterly entranced me. I had bought one of his books before many years ago called 'Finnegan's Wake' but it defeated me...may have another go at it...

As usual I've not got much time to write but two of my favourite short story writers are F Scott Fitzgerald and Saki. Each sublime in their way.

I'm sure you've got a short story inside of you. Go on! Give it a whirl? What have you got to lose? Good luck!!!!

Let me know how you get on if you do go in for it - alternatively just let me know who your favourite short story writers are...I always like to learn more.....

Toodlepip. Hadriana.


the fly in the web said...

Finnegan's Wake....I've been promising my self time to read that for years.

Hadriana's Treasures said...

It's because I knew someone called Finnegan. And no...his first name wasn't Michael! ;-)