Tuesday 17 January 2012

Stargazing Event on Hadrian's Wall

Sadly the event is cancelled due to cloud cover:Wednesday 18th of January 2012: Cawfields, time: 7pm - 9pm. Rescheduled to 11th March same time. Witness some of the darkest skies in the country by joining us (this is all organised by Northumberland National Park) at the Cawfields site, near Haltwhistle for an evening of Stargazing in the Northumberland National Park. For directions go to the following Northumberland National Park PDF. Cawfields is marked A on the map.

Links:  http://www.newcastleastronomical.org.uk/

P.S.: It is weather variable...so check first before venturing out. Check the links for info & phone numbers. The Milecastle Inn opposite Cawfields has organised some food for £2 a go on the night itself.


the fly in the web said...

I'd expected the night to be full of stars here...but not! Street lighting in even the most remote places for one thing...we, end of line, have a street lamp outside the house....
Where we last lived in France a chap used to come on holiday from Holland to stargaze as there was no light pollution.

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Fly, it's been cancelled!!! Rescheduled 11th March (almost the Ides of March!)...fingers crossed it does go ahead. (Means I can swot up on the night skies before then.);-)

Rural France or La France Profonde has always seemed remote to me. I guess therein lies its appeal. Amazing what the brain stores...I hadn't even realised that I'd absorbed 'La France Profonde'. Bloomin' heck!

I was thinking about you today and will e-mail you. Nothing grim. Asking a favour. Cxx