Friday 30 March 2012

Haltwhistle Summer Carnival

The sunnier days are already making us (as a family) think about Carnival days. Haltwhistle has a carnival every July. The town gets dressed up (in various forms) and parades down the High Street and out on the lower road past the petrol station (the old A69). Each year it gets better and better.
You can see more photos here of the carnival. When it has all paraded past and we've got lots of photos everyone heads down to the fields where the fun fair is set up. The children adore it! Fingers crossed that we are in for an exceptionally sunny Summer.

Having said hosepipe ban for us as yet! :-)


the fly in the web said...

Super gallery of looks a lot of fun.

Hadriana's Treasures said...

It is a lot of fun. Credit has got to be given to the creators of the floats who put a lot of hard work into them. When the sun is very enjoyable. The children really love it. :-)

Maggie May said...

I love these carnivals. I'm off to see the photos.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Thanks Maggie,

Sorry for not replying sooner. Am struggling with internet access at the mo! Fingers crossed I can get this sorted out! Hope you are well and not snowed out as we were a little bit yesterday! :-)Cxx

Lady Mondegreen's Secret Garden said...

Hello after long absence. Just been catching up on your Treasures. Enjoyed the Fly's recounting of her mother's time in your area. And your little movies. Nice to see you as Guide :-) Hope your Summer is all you want it to be (Busy B and B time I should think) and that Spring is as lovely as I remember it being in this part of the country.

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Thank you Lady Mondegreen and many thanks for popping over. My guilt is as deep as James Cameron's submersible (How deep did he dive recently?) for not blogging enough these days but I am submerged in work! Hopefully it will rectify itself....Can't make any promises but I am still alive!!! :-)

The B&B is mega busy and there is lots of stuff going on. Hands-on-Latin will go live in a month hopefully. Back soon! vale! hadriana :-) xx

Hadriana's Treasures said...

James Cameron dived to 35,756ft. Took him 6.5 hours in total to dive to the deepest place on earth - the Marina Trench. Golly that's what I call brave!!

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

We love carnivals too and yours looks fun. Here in Somerset we have an illuminated carnival every November, quite famous now - Bridgwater Carnival.

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Thanks SJA..your carnival sounds fascinating and much fun. I'm due to pop down near where you are. I'm in Bristol next weekend - the Primary Latin Project Committee is meeting. Can't wait! :-) H/C xx