Monday 14 May 2012

Brocolitia bathed in light

This fabulous photo was taken at Brocolitia (Procolitia - is the local landowner's preferential spelling) , Carrawburgh (pronounced Carrawbruff) or even Badger Holes according to one author (Anthony Riches). It's an altar - part of a copy of a Mithraeum, a temple to Mithras. Another replica Mithraeum - temple to Mithras - can be seen at The Great North Museum in Newcastle.

David is holding an exhibition of his excellent photographic work at The Moot Hall in Hexham next week this time sharing the space with Ann Sheppard - - who paints beautiful botanical watercolours.

David and his wife, Tania, are good friends of ours! If you can - go and visit - it will be well worth your time!

(Sorry for the huge dip in blogging. Been rushed off my feet. Two friends have recently nudged me back into blogging again. :-))


the fly in the web said...

Nice to see you...though I always imagine you rushing past in a blur like a cartoon...always on to the next thing!

I wonder what Ann Sheppard would make of Costa Rican plants!

Ladybird World Mother said...

Hooray for the friends who nudged you back in again... lovely to see you. Alas, too far for me to get there...
sounds right up my boulevard. xxx

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Thanks Fly! Hope you are well.
Thank you LWM..You make me smile! :-)