Tuesday 10 March 2009

Moving, Moving, Moving.....

Huge apologies about the lamentable state of my blogging. Too much is going on in "Life" right now. I realise that I am neglecting my blog, neglecting your blog, neglecting a lot of things really.

Anyway we are in the throes of moving house today. We have to be...as we have our first booking coming in - one week from today! Hurrah!!

Once I have got a broadband connection set up at t'other house I'll be putting blogging and writing to rights.

Until then.....(shouldn't be too long hopefully).....BIG SMILE.


A Woman Of No Importance said...

All the very best, H - Never worry about neglecting us - We shall be here when you find time again - We await your good news and upturn in fortunes! x

Maggie May said...

Hope all goes well!
You cannot move and blog! Something has to go & it won't be the moving!
We will all be here when you are settled.
all the best until then and I hope it goes without a hitch!

larkswing said...

Ohhh wonderful! I am glad things are moving forward for you!!

Dumdad said...

Good luck and bon courage on your move!

French Fancy... said...

I hope the first booking is the start of a year totally packed with happy holidaymakers in your main house. Good luck with the relocation

Lakeland Jo said...

we are looking forward to having you back and hearing all your news
Good luck

Catharine Withenay said...

Good luck with the move! Delighted to hear of the first guests - how exciting!! Look forward to your blogging when settled.

I love the photos - beautiful northern sunshine smiling on the new house, just like today!

Lindsay said...

Good luck Hadriana

Saz said...

gosh you and me both, l'm moving too. Pick up keys on sautrday and then we will move over a week or so....my last few posts explain..

Tim Atkinson said...

But will you remember which box the computer's in?!

ADDY said...

Good luck with the move and the new venture.

Nota Bene said...

Everyone's said before me..."Good luck"

Expat mum said...

Yay - things are happening! Good luck.

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Good luck with the move Hadriana. Will look forward to reading all about it! A x

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Thank you all! So far so good although I am panicking about having a distinct lack of boxes :)

Troy said...

I hope the move went well - sorry I've arrived here a day late.

Anonymous said...

I hope it all went well - moving is so stressful. Look forward to hearing about it all when you have found the computer.

Hadriana's Treasures said...

N.B. still moving...it's taking several days of lots of trips with boxes to the next town. Today the man with a helpful van comes so we'll get the bulk of it done with luck. Still no broadband connection so will try to do snippets from here. Thanks for all your best wishes!

Mickle in NZ said...

Super bestest wishes, and no need to apologise. Moving is always a major thing, and that is without dear darling children.

I'm sure yours are trying to help, even if it means they're really hindering.

Just ensure you have beddybises made up for all, and can navigate from bed to bathroom and loo, and to kitchen/food supplies. Tthe rest will sort out itself in due time.

Move and sort "stuff" out first. Then relax, have a laugh and good drink. We in the blog world can and will wait until you are settled and well and truely seeing the funny side .....

Word verification is "ingnospi". yeah, okay.....

Care and huggles from Michelle and Zebbycat

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm so late! Hope the move went well and you managed to get in at last.

CJ xx

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Took us six weeks to move, every day bar two for six weeks. Eight pieces of furniture and 71 boxes! Good luck!

Sandi McBride said...

Congratulations Honey Girl! I'm so glad for you and I knew that you were going to be successful!!! Keep us posted, okay?

Exmoorjane said...

Yep, horribly late here too....do hope it's all gone well. Janexx

Yorkshire Pudding said...

Oh dear Hadriana, I had no idea that you lived in a small plastic house surrounded by children's toys. It must be very cramped in there. Is the first booking from pixies?

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DD's Diary said...

Good luck with the move, Hadriana, and see you when you've unpacked x

French Fancy... said...

Hey H, hope you found the teabags and kettle okay


david mcmahon said...

Please let me know when you return .....