I have about two minutes to write this before pick up time at school. The move went well but am still living medieval-like with no internet connection. I have one ordered and ready to go but I have still to find the time to fix it up and get it running.
Thank you (yet again) for all your encouraging comments. When I run in and out of this house (the B&B) to get the odd thing or say hello to hubbie. I scan my eye over the e-mail box and enjoy all your comments: one-liners or the like.
Quick update:
1. The move went well.
2. Applied for a voluntary guiding job at Vindolanda but sadly did not get it...I was all of a tither and it came straight after the funeral so I suppose I was ill prepared. Nevertheless I may still get to do some of it. More of which later!
3. Little boy fell off trolley in good old Sainsburys and bashed his head. Rushed him straight over to Carlisle hospital but was fine poor thing. I wept (in aforementioned Sainsburys) and felt like v. bad mother!
4. The headmistress at local school is still keen to do Minimus. Hurray!
5. Am helping out with Italian conversational classes as local town has twinned with Italian town. Will try to do more here if I can.
6. Went to London last week to see Grandpa South and he is much better. He enjoyed seeing the children.
7. Have found teabags, FF, and have sort of located computer, The Dotterel, now all I have to do is get the blasted things to work.
8. Fridge freezer conked out and has been replaced.
9. Car nearly conked out but was mended in a jiffy.
10. Er. Um. That's all for now. Will try to blog sooner rather than later. Toodle pip!
11. BTW B&B going very well. Lots of bookings and the inspector called, stayed, and gave us our three star rating yet again. (For our first booking we made it...cleaning and sorting...with minutes to spare. I left with children just as first car pulled up.)
12. The photo (circa 1955) overlooks The Burn...which is where I am living now with kiddies. Believe you me...it feels a bit like 1955 living with no internet connection. Still...we do have central heating and TV so cannot complain too much.......
Must definitely go now.
Phew. I'm worn out just reading that so goodness knows how you feel! Glad it is all going well. Three-star rating sounds good.
Huzzah for the 3* rating and big shame and bigger hugs for the news about your little boy's head getting banged - glad it was not serious.
You sound zippy, zingy and lots of other words that illustrate a busy mum and landlady on the go all the time.
Try not to overdo it.
Whoot Whoot! Sounds like things are moving along nicely! I am so glad for you!!! (even if it is a little frazzled at the moment)
Congrats on the 3*!!
Bonn courage!
So glad it's all working out so well. Living without internet would be a nightmare here!!!
Glad everything seems to be working out except for son's head bang, the computer and the fridge freezer. The latter hates to be moved & my experience of moving fridge freezers has always ended in disaster!
Looking forward to your settled blogging!
Nice to see you, H! What a whirlwind... and your poor little mite falling out of a trolley...ouch. BRILLIANT on 38 rating... you must be so relieved and thrilled. Dont forget to rest sometimes!x
Delighted to hear from you, and that the move went well. Eventually technology will catch up with your new abode and I look forward to the blogging then - you certainly have lots to blog about!
Ooh, it all sounds as if it's going very well, apart from wee one's tumble from the trolley... You poor things...
Great news about the B & B and I do think this year will be an excellent one - Practically no-one British can afford to go abroad, and everyone from Europe is coming here - All because of the Euro exchange rate, so it seems.
All the best, H! ake care! x
Great news! (Apart from the trolley dash, obviously.) Get that broadband up-and-running...
Wow, super well done on retaining your 3 star rating. Hope the wee lad's head is all better.
Your life is certainly a whirl at the moment.
Sincere thanks for taking time out to update us. I think you need to take time out for yourself for a nice soak in a relaxing bath (- writes Mickle who doesn't even have a bath, just a shower box for the last 19 years).
Sending care and strength and snuggly huggles for you, Mickle and Zebbycat (of course he is sleep/snoozling, he's a cat)
Thank you everyone for your comments. Amazingly I have managed to get the broadband up and running just now. I am over the moon that I am back online again. Yeah!
Admittedly my blog looks a bit weird seeing it via a laptop...but that is a very minor issue after being cut off from online life all this time.
I feel that I have a limb back again. Will be sorting everything out and be over to visit you all very soon. ;)
Oh you certainly sound very busy Hadriana - and I found myself reading all about it as quickly as I could!!
Hope all continues well. A x
It's hard work but hopefully worth it in the end. Good luck on the internet connection. I've just come from a blog who's changed his service provider and that's a pain in the wotsit!!
CJ xx
Hi everyone. It's Easter holiday time so once the holidays are over I will try and get back to normal. By the way...can really recommend ZEN as a broadband provider. Absolutely trouble free.
Toodle pip for now. Hadriana x.
Ah for your energy. Any going spare?
So glad you're up and running, Hadriana, and hope the little one is fine after his brush with Sainsbury's flooring, at least it wasn't Lidl! Do tell me next time you're up in Londinium and we'll have tea! x
All sounds positive if not a little frazzling! Good luck. VLiF
I'm exhausted just reading all that H! Glad you're back online and hopefully will be back to blogging properly in no time =) LBB x
Very glad you're on broadband again....and glad you're gaining some kind of equilibrium.
I feel as if I have been neglecting you all. Lots to tell you: Will be back soon I promise!
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