1.Did I do the websites? Did I heck! But being away from the computer allowed my husband to get somewhere near it so we are a little bit nearer to achieving our goal(s)...
2. We are moving out of this house (the children and my good self) back to our little house in the next town very soon.
3. We are taking bookings in this house, the Bed and Breakfast, from March 17th onwards. (The house is already booked up one weekend in April. Yippee!) Not bad for minimal advertising.
4. We have three weeks to do a lot: Get the other house ready - fix the heating; purchase a new shower and washing machine. Move some furniture, belongings plus the toys. Get a new broadband connection (for me!) and so on and on.
5. Get the B&B sorted out. Put the bedrooms back to normal. Put the kitchen to rights once more. Make the garden look presentable. Maybe put a lick of paint on the house.
6. Mum-in-law's funeral is next week and I will go down for the day. Hubbie will be down there a week from today. His father is much better now and is coming out of the convalescent home to be back home, HOME. (Hurrah! He's really pleased after spending the last two months in hospital.)
7. There is more (but I cannot reveal those plans until I know more). I am in suspense. I need to know more just for me! I'm not the patient type.
8. So it looks as if we will have to put our skates on....
9. Some BSAC (British Sub-Aqua Club) important instructors were out at our dive centre last week in Hurghada, Red Sea, and loved it. They are going to send more business our way.
10. Must go now to try to chip away at the mountain of things "to do"...so I will be over to your blogs in the coming days. After all...I have the computer to myself for a whole week!
(I hate it when hubbie is away but needs must and all that. The day of his leaving makes me feel all churned up inside. I calm down when he is gone. If that makes any sense at all? But yes, we all miss him. Master H will miss him especially. "Dad do! Dad do!" He cries dictatorially and I am summarily dismissed.)
You sound very busy - let's hope the B & B is a real success.
All sounds very promising, H! Keep us informed, please? All the best of luck!
Good luck with all your ventures.
It's a lot of work, but wow, what a great life you're on the way to! I'm so happy your dreams are becoming a reality my friend!
I am so delighted that things seem to be changing for the best - well, apart from m-i-l's funeral.
Good luck and energy for all your Things To Do list.
Good to see you H! What a busy time... but all sounds positive and moving forward. Keep your strength up! Glad you can sneak to the computer for a spot of blogging when too tired to clean... XX
I feel knackered just reading this post!! I went to Eilat 10 years ago and almost did some scuba in the Red sea. Long story but I ended up spending 3 days in hospital after having an epileptic fit instead!!
CJ xx
Looks like you are in for a hectic time - still, onwards and upwards! Good luck with it all.
Good news about FIL. A x
great to have you back posting- all sounds very positive
Good Lord! You seem so busy! No place for boredom or excessive self-examination in your life! Sorry to hear of your husband's mother's passing. Another milestone on life's winding journey. Look after yourself "Hadriana".
My...... you do sound in a tizz of excitement and rush!
Hope the B&B is a great success. good for you. Beat the credit crunch.
Great to have you back and be updated on your news. It all sounds very busy and exciting! I wish B&B and diving every success.
Thanks also for your previous post about the banking scenario. It is all a complete mess. Money is such a powerful weapon and greed so difficult to resist: it is hardly surprising there are all these corruption scandals and that (some) bankers have been blown away on a tide of riches.
All together, a Northumberland B&B seems a much better option!
Great that you're back, super busy yet also seeming happier, as if you're all getting somewhere.
Super good news from the diving bods. Sneding heaps of positive thoughts your way for you and all yours,
care and huggles, Mickle and Zebbycat in Wellington
I feel exhausted just reading all that. How are you going to cope not only with a house move but also opening up a B&B at the same time... I am in awe!!!
Fabulous. You're back! I will e-mail you to see if I can put some business your way. The dollar/pound thing is great for Americans at the moment. So glad things are coming around, but condolences about your ma-in-law.
Wow, what a lot you have achieved in such a short space of time! Well done and congratulations on making so many steps forwards.
It really sounds likes your plans are coming together well now - but a lot of hard work still ahead. Good luck!
H, there is an award for you over at mine today (Monday) - Welcome back!
Thank you so much everyone for your encouragement! Expatmum...more business: yes please! I'll be over "A Woman of No Importance" before you can say "knife"....
That's so good..you've been busy enough! Best of luck...there'll be a queue outside your door I hope
It is good to see you back, I look forward to hearing how everything goes. Doing Hadrian's wall is on my to do list so, when I finally get round to it, I will be in touch for accomodation.
Hi NB and CA. I'm half toying with the idea of revealing where/who and what we are...once we get the website sorted out. I'll keep thinking about that one. In the meantime please e-mail me (certainly CA!) if anyone is interested in staying with us.
The more the merrier!!
Good luck with all the changes HT; all this uncertainty is a bit pants, isn't it?
Phew! Hope it's all going well Hadriana xx
You're coming back to BlogLand, aren't you?
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