Tuesday 2 August 2011

A short intermission...

...folks!.........It's holiday time (ish) and I've realised that I need a Break from Blogging with a Capital "B".

I've wanted to blog lately (short of) but then not been inspired to write anything down when push came to shove. So I'm going to leave things for a while and see what happens.

Could be...that I've got a bit of "Writer's Blog Block" ???...

I'm still Twittering over at @hadrianasblog....maybe see a few of you over there? I do hope so.

In the meantime - have a great Summer and hopefully I can catch up with you all soon.

Hugs from Hadriana xx xx

PS: If I do feel inspired to write...then I'll be back! Toodlepip. :-)


Lady Mondegreen's Secret Garden said...

Oh no Hadriana, but I do understand that long summer days aren't very conducive to sitting in front of a screen if you don't have to. If it's any help, what I was drawn to about your blog apart from the nostalgia it evoked was the accessible history and the fun little Latin lessons. I have passed it on to a few secondary school Classics students here in NZ. Have a happy Summer

the fly in the web said...

Have a good summer!

Nota Bene said...

Enjoy...we'll be thinking of you

Lynne said...

Enjoy your break and come back refreshed.

ADDY said...

Haven't got the hang of Twitter yet, so see you in a while!

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Hi guys and gals,

Thank you SO much for your lovely comments. Will definitely return and am mulling over a few ideas now. Am grandparent and children sitting so may have a chance!

Happy Summer holidays to all!

Hadriana xx xx

Maggie May said...

I don't twitter!
Have a lovely holiday and don't break your neck on those slides!
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Hi Maggie,

Sorry it's taken me a couple of days to come back to you. I'm trying to give myself some time at the mo'...and not try to take too much on (most unlike me!). Will be back soon! It'll probably be the children who try to do the daft stuff (well maybe!!!).......... H/C :) xx

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Thanks, many thanks, Jeneane - for your lovely and very long comment. It's always great to get the feedback. I'm also very pleased you recommended my blog to the schools as well. Just to let you know - the local head teacher of some primary schools is putting "Minimus" (the Latin Mouse) on the curriculum so I'll be officially teaching there on Mondays (to three schools) this September 2011. I'm hoping the wind will be back in my sails and I'll be blogging regularly.

Have a happy Summer too! Hugs Hadriana xx xx

PS: Also part of reason for back seat blogging(!) is that I'm looking after my 95 year old grandfather. He's easy to look after but also doing loads of other stuff as well.

PPS: Did some tours today at Housesteads Roman fort for the first time and enjoyed myself immensely. Good to learn about a different fort in more detail. Lots to compare and contrast! :)